standards organization - перевод на русский
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standards organization - перевод на русский

Standards body; Standards bodies; Standards Organizations; Standards organizations; Standards organisation; Standards Development Organization; Standards Organisations; Standards organisations; Bureau of Standards; Standardisation body; Standards development organization; Standard board; Standards-setting organisation; Standards-setting organization; Standards setting organization; Standards setting organisation; Standard-setting organisation; Standard-setting organization; Standard setting organization; Standard setting organisation; Standard setting organisations; Standard setting organizations; Standard-setting organizations; Standard-setting organisations; Standards setting organisations; Standards setting organizations; Standards-setting organizations; Standards-setting organisations; Standards Setting Organization; Standards Organization; Standard-developing organization; Standards-developing organization; Standards-setting groups; Standards-setting group; Standard-setting associations; Standard-setting association; Standardization organization; Standard-setting bodies
  • Graphic representation of formulae for the pitches of threads of screw bolts
  • Memorial plaque of founding ISA in Prague

standards organization         

нефтегазовая промышленность

метрологическое учреждение

орган метрологической службы

Bureau of Standards         

нефтегазовая промышленность

Бюро стандартов (США)

bureau of standards         

нефтегазовая промышленность

бюро стандартов


(ИМО) , специализированное учреждение ООН. Основана в 1958 в целях содействия международному сотрудничеству в области морских перевозок и морской торговли. До 1982 - Межправительственная морская консультативная комиссия. В 1990 в ИМО входило 134 государства. Местопребывание - Лондон.


Standards organization

A standards organization, standards body, standards developing organization (SDO), or standards setting organization (SSO) is an organization whose primary function is developing, coordinating, promulgating, revising, amending, reissuing, interpreting, or otherwise contributing to the usefulness of technical standards to those who employ them. Such an organization works to create uniformity across producers, consumers, government agencies, and other relevant parties regarding terminology, product specifications (e.g. size, including units of measure), protocols, and more. Its goals could include ensuring that Company A's external hard drive works on Company B's computer, an individual's blood pressure measures the same with Company C's sphygmomanometer as it does with Company D's, or that all shirts that should not be ironed have the same icon (a clothes iron crossed out with an X) on the label.

Most standards are voluntary in the sense that they are offered for adoption by people or industry without being mandated in law. Some standards become mandatory when they are adopted by regulators as legal requirements in particular domains, often for the purpose of safety or for consumer protection from deceitful practices.

The term formal standard refers specifically to a specification that has been approved by a standards setting organization. The term de jure standard refers to a standard mandated by legal requirements or refers generally to any formal standard. In contrast, the term de facto standard refers to a specification (or protocol or technology) that has achieved widespread use and acceptance – often without being approved by any standards organization (or receiving such approval only after it already has achieved widespread use). Examples of de facto standards that were not approved by any standards organizations (or at least not approved until after they were in widespread de facto use) include the Hayes command set developed by Hayes, Apple's TrueType font design and the PCL protocol used by Hewlett-Packard in the computer printers they produced.

Normally, the term standards organization is not used to refer to the individual parties participating within the standards developing organization in the capacity of founders, benefactors, stakeholders, members or contributors, who themselves may function as or lead the standards organizations.

Примеры произношения для standards organization
1. The International Standards Organization
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Примеры употребления для standards organization
1. Saudi Standards Organization: SR124.74 million. 8.
2. Royal Commission for Jubail and Yanbu: SR6.72 billion Saudi Standards Organization: SR161.64 million.
3. It also recommended that fodder be manufactured according to the specifications of the Saudi Arabian Standards Organization.
4. Baby products will also be checked to see if they meet standards set by the Saudi Arabian Standards Organization.
5. Raid Qusti, Arab News RIYADH, 24 March 2008 — The Saudi Arabian Standards Organization (SASO), in cooperation with the International Standards Organization (ISO) and MARS Company yesterday launched a two–day workshop, at SASO’s headquarters here. «Many issues will be discussed, including cooperation with ISO, as well as standards and quality according to international standards,» said Nabil Molla, general manager of SASO.